Monday, March 31, 2014

3/31 Monday: So WTF Have I Been Doing Since I Got Here?

Well. Stuff. you know. The things one does when faced with a minor challenge, which must be met by appropriate action. Figure out what needs to be done (1). Figure out how to do it (2). Do it (3).

Seems like every day starts with a list of things to do before we can depart these idyllic shores; we do as many of them as we can, and by the end of the day we have, somehow, a slightly longer list than we started with.

It's just amazing the number of things there are on a boat to think about, and plan for. I wonder if the Vikings had similar lists. I know Thor Heyerdahl did--but maybe he doesn't count.

As of now we are looking at something like end of the week (sometime around April 4-6) for departure from Oahu back to SF (Sausalito). Peter's son Luke is arriving (we hope) on Sunday, and then it's just a matter (did I just say "just"? Ack! I taught my guys at Valley Wagonworks NEVER to use that word in the context of what it is that needs to be done. It seems, based on loads of anectdotal evidence, that each time this word ("just") is invoked, the whole damn project finds ways of ensuring that "just"-ice is not served.)

Nevertheless, we push on. And we don't have to cut down balsa trees and move them to the sea unspeakable distances through the rain forest. We deal with electronics, hull maintenance, engine and transmission oil and coolant changes, accumulating tools, spare parts, groceries. Personal flotation devices, EPIRBS, radio and satellite communications (so we can let you all know what is happening while at sea), etc.

And everybody has to get up to speed using all of it, since everything has to some extent or another changed since last time we did this.

And then there's getting to know the boat, and rigging, and sail-handling... A lot of it is very familiar, but another lot of it is boat-specific ( I have never sailed a ketch, for example, and all of them are just a little different).

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